2022 Global Qualifier Design Contest

Crowd-sourced GQ track design

Anthony “AyyyKayyyFPV” Knight designed one of the best GQ’s last year and we would not have found such talent if we did not open the design up to the community. The overwhelming positive response from the community has led us to run another GQ Design Competition for the 2022 season. This is a great way for the community to come together to enhance the pilot experience, and by taking feedback from our pilots and organizers we hope to provide everyone with an outstanding Global Qualifier track for this year. Who will win this year? Read below to find out the requirements and submitting procedure.

The start of the season is coming up soon and to kick it off we are holding a track design contest for the Global Qualifier. We are accepting designs from the community to be our next official GQ! So break out the official Sim of MultiGP, Velocidrone, and start designing some tracks! After the submission process the community will vote on what track they like the most and the winner will receive a free ticket to IO2022

You can purchase Velocidrone here: Velocidrone


  • 10 Standard MultiGP 5×5 Gates
  • 5 Flags
  • 1 Hurdle (optional)
  • Track elements should fit within a 200ft x 100ft field, it is assumed some flight paths could slightly exceed these dimentions
  • Have the launch area easily accessible from the pilot seating to reduce cycle times between heats
  • Keep pilot/spectator safety in mind when arranging elements and reduce high speed paths that travel directly towards pilot/spectator areas
  • Use the larger MultiGP gates when designing the course in Velocidrone.
  • A grid layout will be used to map out the track so when you are placing gates in your design please ensure that you keep this in mind.
    • Example:

Utilize the following template that has the field size marked and the gate size to use.

  • Goto Track Editor in Velocidrone
  • Download -> Track -> Player Name: 2dogrc -> Search -> MultiGP+2022+GQ+Template -> download

It is permitted for a pilot to enter multiple tracks in the contest.

Submitting your track:

1. Upload your track to Velocidrone.
2. Fill out the the following form to submit your track.

Track Submissions period has ended (1/31/2022)

MultiGP may utilize the submitted track designs or elements in future promotions


Current Submissions as of 1/31/2022 (89)

Voting is over and the winner will be announced soon.

Name Link to video Scene Name Track Name Sim User Name
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 1 RacerX2020
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 1 RacerX2020
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 1 RacerX2020
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 1 RacerX2020
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 2 RacerX2020
David Dukes https://www.facebook.com/100022723193486/videos/1259993971158733/ DYNAMIC WEATHER MGP GQ 2022 ROFLCOPTER ROFLCOPTERSTL
Kevin Marshall Dynamic Weather MGP – GQ – 2022 – Track 1 RacerX2020
Kenneth Harding Jr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUHIHuxth1o Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 SchwiftyFPV5 SchwiftyFPV
Billy Blocker https://youtu.be/GFkPJtNnTgg Empty Day Scene BIG MUFF CLFPV GQ 22 submission 2 BIG MUFF
Billy Blocker https://youtu.be/ANoANGF-2HM Empty Scene Day BIG MUFF CLFPV GQ 22 submission 1 BIG MUFF
Levi Johnson https://youtu.be/jD2TqCdl2ZA Dynamic weather Leviathann 2022 GQ Leviathann
Avi Gileadi https://youtu.be/oAuabd32RpI Empty Scene Day MultiGP+2022+GQ+Nimble Nimble
Michael Chen https://youtu.be/AE5eH9WmOtM Empty Scene Day BitScrew2022MGPGQv2 da_bits
Brent Litzer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feKnJJBwLXI Dynamic Weather Chicago Split blitzer
Ervin Liao https://youtu.be/mwr8WMiv3Z4 Empty Scene Day 2022 GQ – groovy groovy
Steven Knabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWHJBEcsY-w Dynamic Weather LeadFingers V2 MultiGP 2022 GQ LeadFingers
Steven Knabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB_FrbaVfxc Dynamic Weather LeadFingers V1 MultiGP 2022 GQ LeadFingers
Jack Prosser https://youtu.be/8_tp4uVe_SU Dynamic Weather Gilbert 2022 GQ 3 FPVGilbert
Jack Prosser https://youtu.be/OAtiSF2rKXU Dynamic Weather Gilbert 2022 GQ 2 FPVGilbert
Jack Prosser https://youtu.be/GVn1TxiVVCk Dynamic Weather Gilbert 2022 GQ 1 FPVGilbert
Jack Prosser https://youtu.be/GVn1TxiVVCk Dynamic Weather Gilbert 2022 GQ 1 FPVGilbert
Daniel Roten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrXy6PGaB30 Dynamic Weather MultiGP 2022 tilted v2 T1LT3D
Daniel Roten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrXy6PGaB30 Dynamic Weather MultiGP 2022 tilted v2 T1LT3D
Brett Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mqVgbdOUzw Dynamic Weather WINTER_MGP22_GQ2 WinterRanger
Brett Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mqVgbdOUzw Dynamic Weather WINTER_MGP22_GQ2 WinterRanger
Brett Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mqVgbdOUzw Dynamic Weather WINTER_MGP22_GQ2 WinterRanger
Brett Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mqVgbdOUzw Dynamic Weather WINTER_MGP22_GQ2 WinterRanger
Brett Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mqVgbdOUzw Dynamic Weather WINTER_MGP22_GQ2 WinterRanger
Mason Lively https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX1zHeVsbBI Dynamic Weather Hyper CONE GQ 2022 00Hyper
Kevin Bowery https://youtu.be/kE8Cdpp-tWU Empty Scene Day MayanHawk MultiGP 2022 GQ V1 Mayan_Hawk
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Kenneth Harding Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO0WjpfxKb4 Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 SchwiftyFPV4 SchwiftyFPV
Kevin Bowery https://youtu.be/kE8Cdpp-tWU Empty Scene Day MayanHawk MultiGP 2022 GQ V1 Mayan_Hawk
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Anthony Knight Dynamic Weather 2022 GQ AyyyKayyy TC AyyyKayyy
christoffer Madsen https://youtu.be/hXS4aSdlE40 football stadium GQ22 ChrisM
Anthony Knight Dynamic Weather 2022 GQ AyyyKayyy TC AyyyKayyy
Kenneth Harding Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2if-IMnsJPs Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 SchwiftyFPV3 SchwiftyFPV
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Kenneth Harding Jr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_JAoQEEJ8 Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 SchwiftyFPV2 SchwiftyFPV
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/541014811/videos/535725710801727 Football Stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Magnus Turesson https://www.facebook.com/groups/MultiGPCommunity/permalink/4639361242840507/ Football stadium JRMagman2022-3 JR138
Kenneth Harding Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRFuiLcaQ0U Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 SchwiftyFPV1 SchwiftyFPV
Nate Garn https://youtu.be/kOIgeAvS0Qk Dynamic Weather GQ22 Fastodon v2 Fastodon
Skyler Winkelman https://www.instagram.com/p/CY1xOB8rl7t/ Dynamic Weather Tyger 2022 GQ Tyg3r
Lloyd Frickenstein Dynamic Weather Multigp 2022 GQ Quad Flyers Gate Smasher
Joe Crupi Dynamic Weather 2020MultiGPQualThirdEyeA ThirdEyeFPV
Aaron Ortiz https://youtu.be/9-28JZEZetU Countryside MorbidFPV+GQ2022 morbidfpv
Kevin Cyr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bap0z_ScloQ Dynamic Weather GQ2022-zoom2 zoom
Kevin Cyr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PVlfDex7vs Dynamic Weather GQ2022-zoom1 zoom
Kevin Cyr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PVlfDex7vs Dynamic Weather GQ2022-zoom1 zoom
Alex Bryant https://youtu.be/3OuHwsvk12U Dynamic Weather RAB_GQ_2022 RAB_FPV
David Dukes https://www.facebook.com/100022723193486/videos/3207168122890073/ dynamic weather 2022 ROFL GQ SUB3 RoflcopterStL
David Dukes https://www.facebook.com/100022723193486/videos/4718208934959741/ dynamic weather 2022 ROFL GQ SUB2 RoflcopterStL
Stefan Luteijn https://youtu.be/unamzmt1dsk Dynamic weather Boners MultiGP 2022 GQ Design Bonerfpv
Joe Crupi https://www.facebook.com/653125718/videos/396718705540384/ Dynamic Weather multigp202thirdeye ThirdEye
Daniel ‘Tehllama’ Appel https://youtu.be/JEKNv92XFls Football Statium 2022-GQ-Tehllama-Overflow Tehllama
Mervyn Van Vuuren https://youtu.be/lew0UCJR7kw Dynamic Weather BFPV 2022 GQ MGP NEON Batman FPV
christoffer Madsen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClEar2WY068 Football Stadium CM_GQ ChrisM
Spencer Donovan https://youtu.be/bJr3oWsaAa8 dynamic weather MultiGP 2022SD SpencerDfpv
Mervyn Van Vuuren https://youtu.be/627cHEw45p0 Dynamic Weather BFPV 2022 GQ MGP Batman FPV
Dirk Hartmann Dynamic Weather MultiGP 2022 GQ – KnowThings Know Things
Armando Gallegos https://youtu.be/j1DADpcMVeo Empty Scene Day MONDO_MultiGP 2022 GQ MONDO
Mervyn Van Vuuren https://youtu.be/i3hPExHS1ks Dynamic Weather BFPV 2022 GQ Batman FPV
Spencer Cannizzaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3GTPZKgsuw Empty scene day Screecher_FPV 2022 GQ screecherfpv
xian luo https://youtu.be/cVl82jh9CFg degeneratefpv 2022 GQ submission degenerateFPV 2022 GQ Submission degen
Brieuc du Garay Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 Contest T03 by Bree Bree
Nate Garn https://youtu.be/c9yu8n_hEWE Dynamic Weather 2022GQ 1 Fastodon Fastodon
Michael Chen https://youtu.be/F-alq3Fgd-8 Dynamic Weather Bit+Screw+2022+MGPGQ da_bits
Michael Chen Dynamic Weather Bit+Screw+2022+MGPGQ da_bits
Brieuc du Garay No video, slight modifications of the V1 to avoid mid-air collisions (sorry if double submission my internet bugged) Dynamic Weather MGP 2022 GQ Contest V2 by Bree Bree
Brieuc du Garay No video, slight modifications of the V1 Dynamic Weather MGP 2022 GQ Contest V2 by Bree Bree
Brieuc du Garay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMtfB5SX4ow Dynamic Weather MGP GQ 2022 Contest by Bree Bree
Tilman “tillyFPV” Koester https://youtu.be/HE1icCyWAfg Football Stadium 2022 GQ tillyFPV1 tillyFPV
Logan Jones (TheSlothFPV) https://youtu.be/ulREw_UQxrs Empty Scene Day TheSlothFPV 2022 GQ Final Sloth-FPV
Logan Jones (TheSlothFPV) https://youtu.be/ulREw_UQxrs Empty Scene Day TheSlothFPV 2022 GQ Final Sloth-FPV
Spencer Cannizzaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYMsRhMY7s4 Empty scene day Screecher_FPV 2022 GQ screecherfpv

Kickoff Race August 9-10
