1.0 Team Requirements

  • 4, 8 or 14 pilots per team depending on race format
    • 8- and 14 pilot teams may have up to 2 and 6 support staff respectively
  • Pilots – Each Pilot will compete, no minimum number of laps.
  • Team Captain (Required) – Responsible for all communication between the organizers and their team, this person may also fill a Pilot, Pit or Spotter Role. They will also be responsible for collecting any prizes from the organizers and providing to their team.
  • Spotter (Recommended) – Assisting their team’s pilots navigate the course, counting laps, strategizing, etc.
  • Each team owns their channel, so if they crash a drone on their channel and wants to continue flying, they must a) power off the vtx remotely, via a servo/vtx assassin/realpit.

2.0 Tech Requirements

All craft must meet the following Drivetrain, Video Link, Camera and Control requirements, or will not be eligible to be flown. All aircraft entered into the competition by the teams must pass tech inspection and will be subject to additional inspections during the event if a problem arises. All backup aircraft must be inspected and follow regulation. Aircrafts may be inspected at any time. If an aircraft fails inspection at any point, it is ineligible to compete until such time as it can successfully pass inspection. Quad
  • Quads can only carry one battery
  • No limit for Battery cell count or capacity Battery limit
  • Electric Motor Only
  • 4 motors, 300mm Maximum Wheelbase
  • 6” Propellor Limit
  • Raceband 8 will be used.
  • vTx Power 25mW
  1. RB1 – Left-Handed Antenna
  2. RB2 – Right-Handed Antenna
  3. RB3 – Left Handed Antenna
  4. RB4 – Right-Handed Antenna
  5. RB5 – Left-Handed Antenna
  6. RB6 – Right-Handed Antenna
  7. RB7 – Left-Handed Antenna
  8. RB8 – Right-Handed Antenna
Each of the team’s quads will have the same assigned 5.8ghz frequency. Quad – Camera OSD’s will be required for judging. Quad – Control Standard 2.4/900/1.3 control link. However, TBS Crossfire Users are required to be connected via a 100mW .  

3.0 Team Race Format

3.1.1 Chapter Racing – Mayhem Team Ranks

Team Size:                                          4 pilot per team Duration:                                            1 hour heats, 3 in total, single best heats gets you on the board (most laps) Teams required:                               Three teams minimum, no maximum. Pilot Participation:                          Each Pilot will compete, no minimum number of laps. Number of attempts:                     Any chapter can participate, there is no maximum number of attempts. Software Required:                        Livetime is required for Mayhem Team Ranks Required Breaks:                             2 cautions, 20 & 40 minutes into the race Track Requirement:                        More to come, Mayhem Team Ranks  

3.1.2 Mayhem Dawn til Dusk

Team Size:                                          8-pilots per team plus 2 support staff respectively Duration:                                            12 hours most laps Teams required:                               8 Teams Pilot Participation:                          Each Pilot will compete, no minimum number of laps. Number of attempts:                     N/A Software Required:                        Livetime is the preferred timing of Mayhem Required Breaks:                             3 cautions per team Track Requirement:                        N/A  

3.1.3 Mayhem Delirious

Team Size:                                          14 pilots per team plus 6 support staff . Duration:                                            24 hours most laps Teams required:                               8 Teams Pilot Participation:                          Each Pilot will compete, no minimum number of laps. Number of attempts:                     N/A Software Required:                        Livetime is the preferred timing of Mayhem Required Breaks:                             6 cautions per team Track Requirement:                        N/A NOTE: There may be course changes or rule revisions/additions at the discretion of the race director.  In addition, revisions may transpire prior to racing if absolutely necessary.  

4.0 General Drone Racing Rules

4.1 Before a Race Starts

Staging Period: All aircraft must be staged with the propellers being parallel to the ground during the staging period. The staging period lasts until the race director issues the command to arm.   Arming Period: Once the race director gives the arm command, pilots may angle their aircraft in preparation of launch (IE spool up). NOTE: Pilots that fall off the launch pad or fall over will be charged with a false start

4.2 False Start

If a racer launches or falls off the launch pad inadvertently during the arming period and before the tone, 1 warning be issued if the race does not start, and the pilot will be deducted one lap on each following instance.  If the racer launches or falls off the launch pad before the tone and the race starts, the pilot will be deducted one lap.  

4.3 Pit Entrance / Exit

Just beyond the Start/Finish or Timing Gate, there will be a “pit lane entrance” gate.  When a pilot is prepared to enter the pits, they must maintain the course direction and gate order, and then exit the course through the pit lane entrance gate.   The Pilot must land on the designated area immediately in front of their Pit Area; failure to do so will result in a 2-lap penalty.  When the next pilot/craft is prepared for flight, they will exit their designated area in the opposite direction that they entered and exit through the “pit lane exit” gate.  Immediately following this gate, the pilot’s craft will rejoin the racecourse in the same direction, and race flow. When a pilot cannot complete the course due to a faulty quad, they must use the pit entrance to enter and then land.  

4.4 Course Completion

Each pilot must go through each gate and around each turning marker in the correct order and direction.  If a gate or flag is missed and the pilot does not return to the missed section and repeat it properly, they will be penalized one lap.  

4.5 Making a Gate

The front plane of a gate is defined as the interior perimeter of the opening, perpendicular to the race line. Any part of the aircraft must breach the front plane of the gate for the gate to count.  

4.6 Crashes

When a pilot crashes they may take off right away, if the craft cannot, the next pilot can launch when their assigned channel is clear. No pilot or team member may enter a live track while quads are racing. Team members may use a pole to retrieve downed quads just outside of their pits. When doing so, the team member shall not physically enter the live track.  

4.7 Caution, Re-Grid, Re-Start

4.7.1      The race director reserves the right to call a “caution”, which will pause the entire race.  All craft will land in their designated pit areas and teams will prepare a “fresh” craft for another launch pad start. Reasons may include, but will not be limited to:
  • an alternate team broadcasting on another team’s channel
  • Course damage, i.e. a gate falls over
  • Unsafe conditions
Any penalties will be assessed, the time will be reset to the time of the infraction or incident, a tone-start will re-start the race.   4.7.2      A team caution will be called by the appointed team captain. When a cation is called, all quads in the air will complete their lap and land in their respective pits.   All restarts will be at the end of pit row, off to the side of pitlane.  

4.8 Channel Changing, Testing, etc.

Pilots may verify their video transmitter channels or change frequencies during cautions.   Powering up or switching a VTX on to a channel that is not yours, will result in a 1 lap penalty.

4.9 Challenge of Results

  • Any grievances will be settled by the Race Director.
  • Results will be deemed official within Ten (10) minutes of the end of the race unless a review has been requested by the Race Director.
  • If a Team believes there may be a discrepancy that is not resolved after reviewing the results, and the Race Director has confidence in the original results, the Team Captain may request a Video Review.
  • The Race Director will review the DVR Recording of the heat and provide an official decision.
  • Following a Video Review Process and the official decision based on that review, results as revised or re-posted. Race Director reserves the right to refuse to enact the Video Review Process.

5.0 General Safety & Conduct

  • Listen and follow ALL instructions from the Contest Director, Race Director, or their designees.
  • Know the location of first aid kit and fire extinguisher.
  • No craft may be flown Line-of-sight or First-Person View anywhere but within the confines of the competition area during assigned heats, unless previous permission has been granted by the Race Director or Flight Line Director
  • No Video Transmitter shall broadcast unless it is a designated time for it to be engaged and is on the correct frequency or appropriate graveyard channel.
  • Do not do extra laps after the 15 minutes expire.
  • Do not “freestyle” at the end of your race.
  • Proper sportsmanship and conduct is to be exemplified. Examples of poor conduct would include but are not limited to affecting another Pilot’s Race or Equipment by speech or any sort of tampering or aggressive behavior.
  • No harassment of officials, pilots, sponsors, or spectators will be tolerated.
  • Any Competitor attempting to win a competition by irregular means, fails to follow an Official’s order, fails to observe the safety rules, who conducts themselves in a manner unbecoming of the sport during the competition may be disqualified.
  • Deliberate misrepresentations on an entry form or in statements to Officials are to result in disqualification from the category involved or from the entire race, depending on their nature.
  • Nonobservance of the rules may result in disqualification.
  • Penalties for violation of, General Safety & Conduct: First Time may be a warning, Second – disqualified.

5.1 Safety Equipment

First Aid Kit A First Aid kit is required at drone racing events. The first aid kit should be brightly colored and kept in a highly visible area that is easily accessible to all pilots and spectators.  At a minimum, the following supplies should be included in the kit:  
  • Sanitary and absorbent cloths to apply pressure to a wound
  • Band-Aids
  • Butterfly wound closures
  • Antibacterial cream
  • Gauze
  • Medical tape
  • Scissors
Fire Hazards A fire extinguisher should be kept in an easily accessible and visible area. Shorts within the electronics or punctures to a Lipo battery can cause the aircraft and surrounding foliage to smolder or catch fire. All pilots and spectators should be made aware of the first-aid kit and fire extinguisher’s location before flying occurs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]